Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. –Romans 12:10
I read this yesterday morning and caught myself failing at this a couple of times when Drew had me stressed out (which was no excuse). I snap so quickly at him sometimes, and then fail to check myself every time.
Lately, I have been better about realizing my short-fuse to calm down and apologize quicker. However, I still need to work on this. I could be way better.
So I am just going to pray, Lord. Pray that I truly honor my husband the way that he honors me.
Father, help me to truly respect my husband. Help me to watch my words, guard my heart, and be mindful of my actions. Holy Spirit, empower me to build up and not tear down my husband. Help us to fight for, and not against each other. May the love You have for us be the kind of love we express to each other. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Resources: The Better Mom Devotional, p.12