“Accountability is the glue that bonds commitment to results.” Will Craig, Living the Hero’s Journey
I am so glad I chose to do this blog because it forced me to open up my daily devotional book, “Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence” and I realized I am 10 days behind. So of course I read today’s but immediately was curious what I missed yesterday and it is perfect.
I was going to discuss in this blog how I have been in a fog these past couple of days. I mean legit – I even lost my Bible! I mean who loses their bible that they have on them almost constantly for the past two weeks? With that and the “fog like” mindset I have been in, I knew the devil was in the details these past few days. I mean we even overslept and didn’t make it to church this Sunday. So all around sucky as far as my devotion to bringing Jesus in my life daily.
Making him the center of all things before going to bed and feeding myself the Word every day no matter the time of the day. I want to be fueled by God. The devil almost won… but God of course prevailed.
Little angel in my ear made sure I got back on my path. I found my bible randomly today (under my foot rest for our couch). And I just got off the phone with a friend I haven’t talked to in ages and I don’t know it gave me that little jolt of caffeine I needed to be like, “Okay I need to hold myself accountable: read, blog, and do the things before bed.” So happy I did!
“I am the goal of all your searching.” Page 20, “Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace In His Presence”
You sure are, LORD! You sure are and I thank you truly for this kick in the pants I needed to get back to you. I felt the fatigue and the laziness coming upon me, but You lead me back to You, LORD, and I thank You with everything in my heart.
“Let nothing dampen your search for Me.” Page 20, Last sentence of second paragraph of “Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace In His Presence”

One Year Reading Bible cover-to-cover update
P.s. I am still on my reading the Bible Cover to Cover journey – I am currently in Exodus and about to get through the plagues of Egypt tonight. 🙂 Because I am getting back on track tonight!