Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. –Romans 12:13
*Giggling* I mean I can read this devotional every day of my life, but I have a feeling I am going to cringe every single time about it – ESPECIALLY with company. Anytime my home is a mess, I’ll never be able to just “let it go” with company coming over, but I almost always am “present” regardless.
I genuinely do love opening our home to others. That’s one thing that makes me so sad right now about our home is that we do not have a spare bedroom if someone needs it. They’d be stuck crashing on the couch unfortunately. And I never want them to think they’re “crashing,” I would want them to feel like this is their home too with their own personal space.
Anyways, to get back on track. I don’t know when I started to get so much anxiety over my home being “messy” but I truly do get some intense anxiety over it. And even worse, it’s like the angry anxiety that usually results in me yelling at Drew.
I do pray I get to be more relaxed about our home when it’s a mess. I do pray that I work on my attitude and stress when I don’t have my “perfect home”. Realizing that it’s so much more important to be caught up in the memories being made right now, instead of cleaning my memories away…
How much do you really care about your home being “presentable” when company comes over? I mean we do live here right? I’m almost convinced the people with perfectly clean and tidy homes have a daily cleaning lady every day. Therefore, they cheat and we should not be subjected to those lies. It’s kind of like the photoshop of instagram these days… Maybe they really look like that? Or maybe its photoshopped? Maybe they always look like they have their life together? Maybe it’s really the cleaning fairy that comes when no one is looking?
At the end of the day, laughter happens here and that’s all that matters. ❤
Father, please help me get over my fear of what others think about my home or about me. Instead, please help me welcome others into my home and focus on being fully present with my guests and children. Teach me to open the door to the home You have given me so that I can love, serve, and bless others. In Jesus’ name I pray and I thank You, amen.

Resources: The Better Mom Devotional: